Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Allergic responses typically affect the skin, gut, and respiratory tract, the major sites of parasitic invasion, it is thought that IgE evolved as a defence against parasitic infestation. Helminths stimulate a vigorous IgE production, they said have to the gate keeper function because they help to recognize he foreign material so early. Allergy triggered by IgE may be considered a beneficial function to the host; the typical allergic reactions of mucus secretion, itching, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea sneezing,bronchoconstriction, inflammation, , tear production are all mechanisms that expel allergenic proteins from the body. The immune response in allergy begins with sensitization. When, pollen allergens house dust mite are inhaled, the Langerhans cells in the epithelium lining the airways of the lungs and nose, internalize, process and then express these allergens on their cell surface.. In the allergic response, the plasma cell produces IgE antibodies, Once formed and released into the circulation, IgE binds to high affinity receptors on mast cells, leaving its allergen specific receptor site available for future interaction with allergen. Other cells known to express high-affinity receptors for IgE include basophils, Langerhans cells and activated monocytes. Production of allergen specific IgE antibodies completes the immune response known as sensitization.
When re-exposed, the allergen to IgE stimulates the immune system to initiate a more aggressive and rapid memory response.The immune system's response to allergen exposure can be divided into two phases. The first is immediate hypersensitivity or the early phasereaction that occurs within 15 minutes of exposure to the allergen. The second, or late phase reaction, occurs 4-6 hours after the disappearance ofthe first phase symptoms and can last for days or even weeks. During the early phase reaction chemical mediators released by mast cells including
histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxane produce local tissue responses characteristic of an allergic reaction. In the respiratory tractbronchoconstriction in the lung, leading to wheezing. During the late phase reaction in the lung, cellular infiltration, fibrin deposition and tissuedestruction resulting from the sustained allergic response lead to increased bronchial reactivity, edema and further inflammatory cell recruitment.
Significance of IgE in Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common chronic disease which has significant impact on quality of life, loss of productivity, and financial expenditure Diagnosis of AR is performed by clinical parameters as well as measurement of specific IgE reactivity through in vitro or in vivo methods. There is currently no accepted screening test for differentiating AR from diseases with similar symptoms. The measurement of total serum IgE level is a low-cost test that is used in diagnosis of AR.
Elevated total IgE has a high positive predictive value for identification of in vitro specific IgE in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
How can it be prevented?
Avoidance of allergen exposure has only partially been successful in prevention of IgE-sensitization. Avoidance is difficult to implement and can severely restrict lifestyle, benefits are small, and long-term effects are doubtful. Until
recently it has been recommended that infants at high allergy risk may benefit through avoidance of pets and dust mites during the first year of life,but new research suggests that in some individuals, such exposures may result in immunological diseases. Prevention of IgE sensitization is possible in the occupational environment by theelimination of sensitizing agents from the workplace or implementing measures to prevent employee exposure. Smoking has been shown to be a riskfactor for the development of IgE antibodies against occupational gents and has an adjuvant effect with irritant gases, such as ozone and sulphur.So apart from other benefits to health, non-smoking policies in the workplace may have a role to play in preventing IgE sensitization.

Homeopathic  approach
As in other cases ultimate cure occur only after administration of a constitutional remedy.
ARS LB, AMM. CARB, ALLIUM CEPA, NUX VOM CUPRUM MET  are the main remedies to tackle acute episode .
But to eradicate the tendency better to think about THUJA/TUBERCULINUM/ PSORINUM/SULPHUR/ OR CARCINOSINUM
And of these tuberculinum/ psorinum/suphur ranks high
An example-
Case of an 70 year old man with frequent sneezing and cough.
Found the acute remedy as nuxvom, and tried in 30 potency for  a week as tds. After getting symptomatic improvement psorinum 1M/2D  was tried

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Monday, May 26, 2014


Tylosis – a condition characterized by the thickening of the skin of palm and results from constant pressure of friction.

Tylosis  with esophageal cancer is a rare inherited condition characterized by palmoplantar kertoderma and esophageal cancer

Treatment-good prognosis in homeopathy 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Secondary Infertility


This is a case of a 30yr old lady. She conceived 2yrs after her marriage. Unfortunately it was a tubal pregnancy and had to undergo left tubectomy. After that she did not conceive for a long period of 12 yrs. All the investigations were normal. She had tried various modes of treatment but all in vain and had given up the hope of conceiving, when one of her family friends forced her to consult me. She came along with her husband. The couples were not hopeful about the treatment and they were not cooperating at all. When I started the case taking I found the husband getting restless. He was constantly interfering and I could not obtain any relevant symptoms to base my prescription on. But I could get an interesting family history, which I found significant. 

Her mother was having chronic U T I and chronic cervicits. I presumed a sycotic trait in her. The homoeopathic philosophy says that if there is a block in the constitution the harmonious flow of vital force is prevented and so the cure. I prescribed Medorrhinum 10M 2D and sac lac for one month. In the next visit I found her looking very excited, with a beaming face, reported that she was missing her periods, which was very regular till then. The pregnancy test done was positive. Here let me reveal a clue to you, think of Medorrhinum if you suspect a family history P I D. 



A 35 yr old lady consulted me for a highly painful and sensitive corn on her left heel. The peculiarity of the pain was that it was of burning type. As a routine procedure I got further details from her and found that she had only one child, he is now 15yrs. Please keep in mind the age of the patient. She is 35, and her husband 48, a difference of 13 years. After the first delivery she did not conceive again. In this case too all the investigations revealed nothing abnormal. As in the earlier case she too had given up all hopes of conceiving again after trying various modalities of treatment for a considerable period, and had stopped all treatments for the same. Her husband is working abroad and they are together for a period of 3 months in a year. Only 30 days were left for him to return to Dubai. One relevant information I got was, she had tubercular adenitis before her marriage. Here my prescription was Tuberculinum 1M. Tuberculinum made a lot of changes in her. Her cycles were always regular but the flow was only for a day. After taking Tuberculinum her periods started at the usual time, the flow extended for about four days. But the pain of the corn was unchanged. 

In the repertory sepia is the 3mark remedy for painful sensitive corns and I gave Sepia 10M 2D. After one and a half months she came to me and informed that she is pregnant. In this case Tuberculinum cleared the field and Sepia sowed the seeds. If Tuberculinum is the first choice of our prescription when we elicit H/O tuberculosis in the patient or in the family what does carcinosinum have to offer if there is a history of cancer? 

Let me illustrate with a few examples.


The patient is a 25year old lady. She had aborted 5 times repeatedly (inspite of taking the routine injections to prevent miscarriage) first at the 1st month, second and third at the 2nd month, fourth at the 1st month and fifth at the 3rd month. The investigations like torch screening and hormonal tests were normal. Here parents had expired, father of MI and mother of carcinoma cervix. I adopted a different approach in this case, by stressing on the family history Carcinosinum 1M was prescribed once a month. The result was after 3 months she conceived and delivered a baby girl. The most interesting thing here is that the routine injections taken earlier were not given this time.


A 30-year-old lady came with a history of repeated abortions. Her first pregnancy was uneventful and she delivered at term. After that the lady aborted 4 times at the 3rd month each. She had tried almost all modes of treatment including homoeopathy from elsewhere. There is a history of carcinoma in the family. Her father had died of carcinoma cheek, grandfather of carcinoma stomach and paternal uncle of carcinoma cheek . Mother is hypertensive. I know that kalicarb is the remedy for abortion at third month and I presumed that she might have received the same and the other remedies for abortion, from the other homoeopath. My prescription was Carcinosinum 1M once a month. She conceived within two months. Unfortunately she developed hypertension at the 9th month and had to undergo caesarian section.