Monday, July 30, 2018

Thyroid is a butterfly shaped in front of the neck and it produces thyroid hormones. When the hormone production is less and it doesn’t meet the demand of the body it is called hypothyroidism.
Thyroid hormone plays an important role in controlling the body function. So when the production is less it affect the functions of the body markedly.
Hypothyroidism can affect at any age but now a days it is more common in youngsters especially ladies.
Signs and symptoms
Weight gain
Dry hair and thinning of hair
Menstrual irregularities- usually heavy bleeding
Swelling of joints
Increased cholesterol level in blood
Dry skin
Blood test is the most effective tool to diagnosis hypothyroidism
Usually low level of T4 and high level of TSH indicates hypothyroidism.

Scope of Homeopathy
Homeopathy can manage and cure hypothyroidism. The positive part is that the patient can stop the medication once the hormone level is under control. But rechecking the hormone level once in 3 months, atleast for 3 consecutive times should be done.

Case no; 1

A 37 year old lady came with severe fatigue, irregular menstrual cycle. The flow was heavy and due to this she was anemic. Her bowel habit was not all regular. She also complained about hair falling. All these symptoms were there since the last two to three months. And her first visit was on 11 01 2017. Blood routine examination was advised with thyroid function test.  And the report was T3 94, T4 6.4 and TSH 13.10. And her Hemoglobin level was 9.4

After a course of 1 month medication she reported back with marked improvement of symptoms. She looks much more energetic and her constipation improved.
Her thyroid function was repeated and the TSH level reduced to 10.68 –(05 04 2017). And the medication was continued. Her hemoglobin increased to 11.5 , and the menstrual flow become almost normal.

And after few more months’ medication the test was repeated again  on July 31st and the TSH level was within normal limit ie; 4.82. By this time she was completely symptoms free. And her hemoglobin was 13.4. And after one month more medication she was advised to stop the treatment. 

Case No; 2

A 30 yr old lady came with the report of Thyroid function test. Since she had bleeding per vagina she consulted a gynecologist and as per advice the thyroid function test was done, and diagnosed as hypothyroidism.  Since she was not willing to take medicine for hypothyroidism for a long time, she approached me.
At that time her TSH was 22.77 (2-05-2018).

After a month of medication she reported back.  This time her menses was normal and all the symptoms were reduced. And the medication was continued for a few more months and the test was repeated again on 22 07 2018. And the TSH level reduced to normal ie: 4.24

Case No: 3

A 45 year old lady came with the thyroid function test report. Her TSH was 9.12 on 21 03 2018.
Her main complaints were hair falling and sleep disturbances. And the physician whom she first consulted, advised for a Thyroid Function Test (TFT)
And as per the report tab: thyroxin was prescribed. But she was not willing to take the tab and thus approached me.
And after a few course of homeopathic medication she was symptomatically much better and a thyroid hormone recheck was done on 09 07 2018
And the report was
The TSH level came to normal and she is now symptoms free also. And she was advised to continue the medicine for some more months.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

This girl was suffering MC since the last 8 months. And they tried some local applications as prescribed. But as the size began to increase they consulted a dermatologist and he advised for some procedure (?cryotherapy  ?curettage)  , and he also informed that it will be a painful procedure. And when the parents were unwilling for the procedure he advised to try homeopathic treatment.
The bumps were around the eyes and it was painful.
Homeopathic internal medicines were tried and it was cured within a month itself.
For further reading visit


Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin disease caused by a virus –molluscum contagiosum virus. The disease usually disappears by its own and won’t leave behind any scar or markings. But some time the bumps may remain for months or even years.
The lesion is characterized by raised painless bumps on the upper surface of skin. But the lesion becomes painful if it is secondarily infected. The size may vary from 1 to 2 mm to 5 to 10 mm.
The disease spread by direct contact with the lesion or through contaminated objects like towels or clothes.
The lesion is dome shaped with a dimple on the centre and pink colored and Can appear anywhere on the body except on the palm and sole.
Molluscum contagiosum is more common in children –between 1 and 10 years - and in adult it may also spread through sexual contact, and in such cases it occurs in anal region.   In HIV infected person large sized mollusca appear on face, and since it occurs in crops, it causes cosmetic disfigurement. And it spread by shaving.
Usual sites are face, abdomen, and inner aspect of thigs
In modern medicine cryotherapy, curettage, laser therapy and topical therapy are the treatment of choice.
Homeopathy uses internal medications, and it is not only safe but speedy also.

Sunday, September 10, 2017


                                       A case of gall bladder stone
A 55yr old lady with severe right sided abdominal pain consulted on Oct 16. The pain first started on June and consulted a surgeon. A USG abdomen was advised. As per the report the case was diagnosed as Gall bladder calculus -9mm- with thickening of the wall of gallbladder. And CT abdomen was suggested

Report 1-

Report 2-CT Abdomen

The report confirms the presence of gall bladder calculus and also mention about a recently passed of stone from pancreas
To relive the pain Dioscorea 30/ was tried in repeated doses with tab Fel tauri 3x as tds for a week.
After a week when reported back there were no acute episodes of pain and -fel tauri 3x only was tried for 2 weeks
After 2 weeks as the constitutional remedy  Nux vom 10m/ was tried – a dose in every 15 days with Fel tauri 3x as twice daily. The same remedy was continued for a few months.
The patient was completely symptoms free and advised to repeat the USG abdomen,
The result was

The result shows as gall stone expelled and a 3mm calculus newly appeared in left kidney. Since the 3mm kidney was symptoms free patient was advised to stop the treatment.
 for more articles log on to

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Severe HZ treated with RTOX 30/2d only

                                                                  HERPES ZOSTER

HERPES ZOSTER (HZ) is due to reactivation of varicella zoster virus ( VZV) and is characterized by vesicular or bullous eruption and is limited to a dermatome(s) innervated by corresponding ganglion. 
it is other wise know as shingles
The common risk factor is due to diminishing immunity to HZV  with advancing age. In patients undergoing  chemotherapy, radiotherapy, HIV infected persons are more vulnerable for increased incidence..
the complaint precedes with severe neuritis or paraesthesia for  for a few weeks followed by vesiculations. 
Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is the pain that is persisting even after healing the leisons. HZ usually starts with flulike symptoms. complication can be hemorrhage (local), gangrene, pericarditis, myocarditis, pancreatitis etc;

Medicinal management

For pain- hypericum, Rhus Tox, Rananculus bulb- in high potencies
During eruption- Rtox, Msol, cicuta etc in low potencies
For PHN- Rtox, Thuja, Mez ( Facial Herpes), Variolinum in high potencies. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Allergic responses typically affect the skin, gut, and respiratory tract, the major sites of parasitic invasion, it is thought that IgE evolved as a defence against parasitic infestation. Helminths stimulate a vigorous IgE production, they said have to the gate keeper function because they help to recognize he foreign material so early. Allergy triggered by IgE may be considered a beneficial function to the host; the typical allergic reactions of mucus secretion, itching, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea sneezing,bronchoconstriction, inflammation, , tear production are all mechanisms that expel allergenic proteins from the body. The immune response in allergy begins with sensitization. When, pollen allergens house dust mite are inhaled, the Langerhans cells in the epithelium lining the airways of the lungs and nose, internalize, process and then express these allergens on their cell surface.. In the allergic response, the plasma cell produces IgE antibodies, Once formed and released into the circulation, IgE binds to high affinity receptors on mast cells, leaving its allergen specific receptor site available for future interaction with allergen. Other cells known to express high-affinity receptors for IgE include basophils, Langerhans cells and activated monocytes. Production of allergen specific IgE antibodies completes the immune response known as sensitization.
When re-exposed, the allergen to IgE stimulates the immune system to initiate a more aggressive and rapid memory response.The immune system's response to allergen exposure can be divided into two phases. The first is immediate hypersensitivity or the early phasereaction that occurs within 15 minutes of exposure to the allergen. The second, or late phase reaction, occurs 4-6 hours after the disappearance ofthe first phase symptoms and can last for days or even weeks. During the early phase reaction chemical mediators released by mast cells including
histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxane produce local tissue responses characteristic of an allergic reaction. In the respiratory tractbronchoconstriction in the lung, leading to wheezing. During the late phase reaction in the lung, cellular infiltration, fibrin deposition and tissuedestruction resulting from the sustained allergic response lead to increased bronchial reactivity, edema and further inflammatory cell recruitment.
Significance of IgE in Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common chronic disease which has significant impact on quality of life, loss of productivity, and financial expenditure Diagnosis of AR is performed by clinical parameters as well as measurement of specific IgE reactivity through in vitro or in vivo methods. There is currently no accepted screening test for differentiating AR from diseases with similar symptoms. The measurement of total serum IgE level is a low-cost test that is used in diagnosis of AR.
Elevated total IgE has a high positive predictive value for identification of in vitro specific IgE in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
How can it be prevented?
Avoidance of allergen exposure has only partially been successful in prevention of IgE-sensitization. Avoidance is difficult to implement and can severely restrict lifestyle, benefits are small, and long-term effects are doubtful. Until
recently it has been recommended that infants at high allergy risk may benefit through avoidance of pets and dust mites during the first year of life,but new research suggests that in some individuals, such exposures may result in immunological diseases. Prevention of IgE sensitization is possible in the occupational environment by theelimination of sensitizing agents from the workplace or implementing measures to prevent employee exposure. Smoking has been shown to be a riskfactor for the development of IgE antibodies against occupational gents and has an adjuvant effect with irritant gases, such as ozone and sulphur.So apart from other benefits to health, non-smoking policies in the workplace may have a role to play in preventing IgE sensitization.

Homeopathic  approach
As in other cases ultimate cure occur only after administration of a constitutional remedy.
ARS LB, AMM. CARB, ALLIUM CEPA, NUX VOM CUPRUM MET  are the main remedies to tackle acute episode .
But to eradicate the tendency better to think about THUJA/TUBERCULINUM/ PSORINUM/SULPHUR/ OR CARCINOSINUM
And of these tuberculinum/ psorinum/suphur ranks high
An example-
Case of an 70 year old man with frequent sneezing and cough.
Found the acute remedy as nuxvom, and tried in 30 potency for  a week as tds. After getting symptomatic improvement psorinum 1M/2D  was tried

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